We are accepting your birthday message 2013 to Atsuko Maeda

Atsuko Maeda will be turning 22years old on July 10, 2013.
We are now accepting birthday messages for Atsuko.All messages that received will be put into an album, then will surely and responsibly present them to Atsuko(send to Ohta Prodaction) by the committee member.
Closing date:June/30/2013 23:59(JST)
Message Length:Within 320 characters(Single byte)/Within 160 characters(Double byte)

Atsuko Maeda Birthday message reception desk
[From Outside of Japan]
Single byte character language only page(Not Japanese/Chinese/Korean)
Double byte character language page(Japanese/Chinese/Korean)

[Examples for non-appropriate message]
a)Personal Information such as phone number or E-mail address
b)Abusing words or contents

Atsuko Maeda Birthday Planning Committee 2013

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